How Tech Investment Is Driving Malaysia’s Growth

In this 3-part blog series, we explore how technology is driving change, growth, and new ways of communicating internationally. Our former intern, Ioanis Gonzalez-Rodriguez, takes a look at technology and communications around the world during his travels during university and post-graduation. 

The way we communicate is constantly evolving with technology and societal norms. At Level365, we are focused on cloud-hosted technology that connects, integrates, and improves communications and collaboration. The service we offer, Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), is also constantly changing to meet the diverse and growing needs of our customers. Our service combines traditional voice with UCaaS features including Analytics, Chat, SMS, Video Collaboration, and CRM Integrations and more.

Malaysia’s Hurdles to Development

The main hurdle developing nations around the world face in establishing themselves amongst economic giants is the information technology. Once upon a time, the process of becoming a developed nation involved having a complex wiring network throughout the country and manpower. While not completely erased, getting passed infrastructural challenges are becoming less necessary and more affordable with every passing year. Malaysia is one such country trying to become a tech investment leader in the ever-changing technology-filled world. 

Expanding in Technology and Innovation

Countries like Malaysia are quickly realizing that now is the time to upgrade and expand technology and communications culture. This is especially important in their major cities like Kuala Lumpur (KL).  Officials in KL have made a primary goal of the 11th Malaysian plan to continue spurring innovation for secure and efficient technology adoption among businesses. Malaysia lacks the manpower of many larger countries, such as Thailand. Therefore, it’s important for the government to recognize the most efficient ways to speed and upgrade Malaysia’s digital economy. It can effectively do this by utilizing its culturally diverse workforce, cost efficiency, and a central location within the region.

Investing in Cloud Computing

With the rise of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data analytics, and software-as-a-service (SaaS), Malaysia is looking to become an important player in South East Asian tech globalization by prioritizing its digital economy. It will do so primarily under its new national policy Industry 4.0, or IndustryFWRD. According to the International Data Corporation, there’s a key to Malaysia’s success in becoming a fully developed nation by 2025. Its aspirations can not be fulfilled without big data in the cloud. The application of new technologies in industries (mentioned below) is essential to an efficient forward economic progression for a country.

  1. Manufacturing
  2. Agriculture
  3. Waste Management
  4. Supply Chain Delivery System
  5. Other Health, Safety and Environmental Sectors

Malaysia has always suffered from having a smaller population than its neighboring countries, such as Thailand and Indonesia. This has prevented it from being a leader in many economic areas for decades. Now in its 4th industrial revolution, KL is avoiding this by first reducing the reliance on manual labor. Second, it’s adopting automation and smart manufacturing concepts to reduce the need for feet on the ground. At the forefront of these efforts are cloud computing and enterprise mobility. This tech investment by Malaysia in wireless networks and broadband access is a key to becoming a knowledgeable and industrialized country, and will further spur telecom markets throughout it, namely in cloud computing.

Malaysian Government Initiatives

Government initiatives also extend internationally from KL. With officials bidding for major global enterprises to consider Malaysia as a testing bed for the information communication technology market. Business outsourcing in Kuala Lumpur is also demanding expansionary measures for Malaysian policymakers. Software-as-a-service (SaaS), followed by Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) expansion all have contributed to the historic tech service GDP growth at the end of the 10thMalaysian Plan (2011-2015). The emphasis on service-based growth then ushers in a focus on cloud environments. Namely in latency efficiency, security, and privacy guarantees by providers which will further establish their position in the international market with leading economic nations.

Success in Business is Success in Tech

“In the digital world, every company is first and foremost a tech company with expertise in different areas including education, retail, and manufacturing. Without embracing and adopting technology, there is no business model for these companies,” says Cisco Malaysia managing director Albert Chai. Success for any business around the world, from small-to-medium enterprises to multination enterprises, is dependent on the firms’ ability to stay in front of the tech hurdle and adapt accordingly. Leaders in KL know history has not been kind to corporations that delay in making the switch to service-based systems in their tech operations and are doing everything they can to avoid getting stuck in the quicksand of traditional legacy systems.  Through these different actions and contributions to technology, Malaysia can become a tech investment leader in the world.

About the Author: Ioanis Gonzalez-Rodriguez

Ioanis Gonzalez-Rodriguez grew up in New York and New Jersey and is a recent graduate of Butler University in Indianapolis. Ioanis had several internships during his time at Butler, including a 5-month internship during the Spring of 2019 at Level365. 

Over the past 5 months, Ioanis has been fortunate to travel to 5 continents and 11 countries. His original goal was to complete 7 continents in one year, however, his plans changed. He had an unexpected opportunity to come back home to New York City. As a child, Ioanis grew up in a lower-income neighborhood and public school system and would have never dreamed that he would be able to do what he has already done to that point. He first became inspired to travel after getting his first passport junior year of college to study abroad in Australia. After a few weeks in Australia, he realized that one semester was not enough time to fully experience and immerse himself. He decided to extend his abroad program for a full year.

Catching The Travel Bug

After coming back to the United States for his senior year at Butler University, Ioanis reflected and decided he should take the time to travel internationally. He caught the travel bug and there was no better time than now to explore the world. He was young and unattached to a job, relationship, or geographic location and had the experience. The call to travel was strong and felt like a duty that needed to be fulfilled soon or forever lost. One of his biggest take-aways is seeing how different cultures can be from one country to another. Even for countries that are relatively close in proximity. Traveling even a short distance can feel like entering a completely different universe. Another benefit of traveling is that it forces you to leave all your prejudices at the door. And you need to be receptive to learning the ins and outs of that culture. 

Finally, Ioanis’ advice on traveling internationally is simple; go, discover, and be open to new experiences.

Check out our other featured from Ioanis on Australia and Singapore here.

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