Every company has a story, the backdrop of how it was founded, started, or evolved over time to become what it is today. Often the origins tell of humble beginnings started out of someone’s garage; Level365 is no different. Rather than a garage, it was a small, cramped office meant ideally for one person. However, it was occupied to the hilt by our three founders, Jim, Tom & Sean.
We want to take a few moments to share our story with you. Why tell our story now? Perhaps you have heard that people don’t buy a product or service, but they buy the “why” of that product or service. In fact, it’s a now-famous quote: “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” -Simon Sinek, Author, Motivational Speaker, and Marketing consultant. Here is our story. The absolute “why” for why we are in business.
The Team Before Level365
Level365’s core partnership began long before Level365 ever opened its doors for business or even before three people crammed themselves into a one-person office.
It began with a college internship requirement. Tom needed to complete his second required internship to graduate from the Lacy School of Business at Butler University. Jim was looking for an intern to assist with the growing business he co-founded– DSLIndiana, which provided high-speed Internet access to companies.
Tom made such an impression on Jim that before the internship was even over, or degree in hand, Jim offered him a full-time position with DSLIndiana. Jim and Tom continued the success of DSLIndiana over the next 5 years. Eventually, though, it was time to explore other professional interests.

Through the strong bond they formed over the years working together, Jim and Tom maintained their friendship after DSLIndiana. During the course of their conversations, they found themselves with the same requests from prior clients wanting their specific recommendations on a business voice service. The customers would ask time and time again: “We want a company like DSLIndiana, but for business voice service, who would you recommend?” The reality was that companies were not getting the reliability and advanced features in a voice service they expected.
From the multitudes of requests, the idea of a reliable business voice provider and one that was truly customer-focused became the genesis for starting Level365 in 2008. The only missing piece was someone with the technical skill set and ability to build a secure, reliable platform that could provide the quality service that business customers needed. Enter Sean Cheesman, who had years of experience not only in IT but also in enterprise network architecture, and consulting. With his extraordinary abilities, he understood not only what this required but exactly how the platform needed to be scaled to make it a superior offering. He knew how to make this idea become a reality.
While Level365 wasn’t started in a garage, like many of the tech companies you hear about, Jim Johnston and Sean Cheesman started it in a small one-room office that they converted officer quarters at decommissioned Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis, IN; the equivalent of a garage just with better amenities. The mentality of starting a business was the same regardless of where it started- garage, basement, or crowded office. The sole purpose was to create a more reliable service and included far better support than other providers, and we continue with that core value today.
A Focus on Service
The telecommunications industry is well-known for its poor customer service and the same features that have been around for thirty years. One of the biggest differences between Level365 and other providers is our focus on providing outstanding customer support.
For many telecommunications providers, having customers wait on hold for more than 15 minutes is commonplace. Many companies say something like, “We treat your business as if it were our own.” At Level365, we value customers with our actions, not just our words, by answering support calls in 15 seconds or less with a 99% satisfaction ranking.

A Different Type of Provider
We are a different type of provider. We don’t lock customers into long-term contracts like many of the national providers, and we put our business on the line every month with our customers. If we don’t provide quality service and support, our customers are free to leave without any strings attached. Thanks to our reliable service and support, our customers stay with us month after month. We do everything with the customer in mind. Our solutions are tailored to provide solutions that work for our clients.
The service we offer is state-of-art, cutting-edge technology delivered over our own cloud platform. Our service is more than just business voice; we offer a full Unified Communications platform designed for business and hosted within the cloud.
However, as much as we like to talk about our service itself, our customer service and support really set us apart time after time. Customers and Partners would not typically get this level of support from national providers. It starts with our dedicated installation support before the transition to our platform and continues with ongoing support included with our service. We let our service speak for itself with month-to-month service without long-term contracts.
The Level365 Difference
At Level365, our focus is around our supporting our customers. We do everything with the customer in mind. We tailor our programs to provide solutions that work best for our clients, including the following:
No Long-term Contracts Required: We don’t lock our customers into required long-term contracts. We earn your business every month.
No Maintenance Fees: We upgrade and maintain our systems, so you don’t have to worry about your business phone system.
Ongoing Support Included: We provide award-winning, U.S.-based customer support before, during, and after the sale.
Lower Overall TCO: Lower upfront costs than traditional onsite phone systems leading to lower overall Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Simple & Predictable Pricing: Telecom pricing can be confusing with hidden fees. We offer simple, all-inclusive pricing without hidden fees. Other providers typically add 20-40% in hidden fees and surcharges on top of their listed pricing. Our price is our price!
Want to learn more about Unified Communications? Check Out Our “Ultimate Guide To UCaaS” now!
About Level365: Level365 offers a complete Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) solution with voice + collaboration for your business. Our service seamlessly integrates communication among desk phones, computers, and mobile devices to improve efficiency and collaboration. The UC platform extends beyond voice communications with Unified Messaging, Presence, Chat/SMS, Video Collaboration, Cloud Faxing, CRM Integrations, and more.