Meet Our New Customer Success Specialists, Danya and Hannah

Meet Danya and Hannah

A little more about dayna Grew up in Fishers, Indiana Attended Indiana University, majoring in Science Communication with a PR focus & a minor in Marketing  She is always cheering on her favorite sports team, Michigan Football, GO BLUE! If you’re looking to spark a conversation, Dayna can endlessly talk about fashion and her passion […]

AI in Business Communication: A Comprehensive Guide

AI in Business Communication: A Comprehensive Guide

AI in business communication is no longer a futuristic vision; it’s the present reality. With the help of chatbots, companies can provide round-the-clock customer support while translation tools break down language barriers; AI enables companies to interact with stakeholders, customers, and employees in new and innovative ways. How Businesses Are Using AI Today AI is […]

History of the Cloud

History of the Cloud

We all look up and see clouds daily, but lately, the term “the cloud” has become even more common than what we see in the sky. But how did the cloud gain the popularity it has today? This blog will dive into the history of cloud-based solutions–from their early beginnings to today’s cutting-edge technology and […]

Meet our Direct Sales Account Executive, Aaron

Meet our Direct Sales Account Executive, Aaron

Aaron’s journey has been centered around people whether in sales, as a trainer, or between the lines of a soccer field. His sales experience has ranged from queue sales rep to strategic account manager, boots-on-the-street hunter to road warrior. He spent several years in the restaurant industry while also working as a youth-academy soccer trainer […]

When Did Health Technology Bring Us Telehealth?

When Did Health Technology Bring Us Telehealth?

Telehealth has been around long before the COVID-19 pandemic. What may have appeared to be a sudden surge has been a slow burn over the last century. But how did mobile health technology begin? The Radio In the early 1900s, radio revolutionized communication. With the radio’s quick adoption in multiple fields, doctors began theorizing how […]

Health Tech is Expanding: Are Telecom Companies Ready?

Health Tech is Expanding: Are Telecom Companies Ready?

There is no doubt that health tech has increased access to healthcare for patients across the world. Today, April 7th, marks World Health Day. On this day, medical providers and the World Health Organization (WHO) draw attention to a specific health concern for people all over the world. WHO themed this year “Health For All” […]

Meet our Technical Services Manager, Jason

Meet Jason

A LITTLE MORE ABOUT JASON Grew up in Lebanon, Indiana Attended IUPUI majoring in Business Management Holds three black belts in martial arts, and has been a self-defense instructor for 25+ years. His wife and two daughters are black belts too…you don’t want to mess with this family!   Always entertaining his wife, daughters, and four […]

Coming Together for the Holidays: Level365’s First Gift Drive

Coming Together for the Holidays: Level365’s First Gift Drive

This past year, Level365 took a different approach to the holiday season. Currently, many of our employees give back to the community through volunteering and contributing to their favorite non-profits, such as the Humane Society and Gennesaret Free Clinics. However, this past holiday season, an intern took the initiative to find a way to give […]

The Retirement of POTS lines: What’s Next?

The Retirement of POTS lines: What’s Next?

A plain old telephone service may sound like a “hunky dory” piece of fiction, but after a remarkable 100-year run, we have met the sunset of analog services.    In August 2019, the FCC issued Order 19-72A1, which allows service providers in the United States the option to stop selling and maintaining copper telephone lines. […]

Remote Work Is at the Backdoor. What Does This Mean for Office Spaces?

Remote Work Is at the Backdoor. What Does This Mean for Office Spaces?

The demand for on-site office work is shrinking–and the need for office space is going along with it. The quick takeover of the virtual workplace has become a defining business talking point. Having said that, what does this mean for the modern business world?   The answer is complicated.  The Current State of Office Space […]

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