Chat & SMS Messaging: UCaaS Feature Focus

Communicate with co-workers instantly and text clients from your business phone number with Chat & SMS Messaging from Level365.    Using our Web App allows you to maintain your professional identity with business contacts as you communicate as messages will be sent from your work phone number and not your mobile number. Also, you can […]

Web Phone Client: UCaaS Feature Focus

Benefits: Connectivity: Improve your team’s productivity with Level365’s Web Phone client. Our cloud-hosted keeps you connected. Stay connected no matter where you are located. Mobility:  You are no longer tied to the office. Access your voicemail, contacts, call history, and more while you are away from the office. Make and receive calls from your office […]

Video with Collaboration: UCaaS Feature Focus

Why Video with Collaboration? Using Video with Collaboration Video with Collaboration is available on the Level365 Web App.   If you are new to our service or don’t remember your password, go to where there are options for new users and those who forgot their password. Video with Collaboration (Beta) from Level365 on Vimeo […]

Voicemail: Unified Communications Feature Focus

Unified Communications from Level365 comes with so many great features that will streamline your organization’s communication.    Today, we’re highlighting all the features and functionalities that Level365’s voicemail service offers you. So, let’s get to it. What can you do with Level365 voicemail? Accessible Everywhere With our voicemail service, you can access your messages from […]

Level365 New UC Features for Office Managers

Level365 is pleased to announce the launch of several new UC features for Office Managers. Most of these features are available in the Level365 Web Portal ( The new UC features listed below are only available for those with “Office Manager” access from Level365: Shared Contacts Time of Day Call Routing With Time of Day […]

Level365 New UC Features Release: Summer 2019

Level365 is pleased to announce the launch of new UC features that further enhance efficiency, communications, and collaboration on our platform. Video Collaboration and Screen Sharing CRM Integrations Call Center Analytics Dashboard Web Phone Client Updates Voicemail Message Sharing Options SMS/Chat Email Notifications Audio and Metadata Encryption Mobile App Updates Every year we continue to […]

Say Hello to Level365 Mobile Connect App

We are excited to announce the updated Level365 mobile client for UC is now live and available in both the Apple App and Google Play stores. What’s New In This Version: Also with this latest update, we have rebranded our mobile client to Level365 Mobile Connect to better fit within our UC product stack. Current […]

Voicemail Speech-to-Text Transcription Now Available

Have you received a voicemail message but may not be in a convenient place to listen?    Level365 now offers voicemail transcription powered by Google Cloud Speech-to-Text. This feature, included with your existing service, will transcribe up to a one-minute-long voice mail message into readable text.    You must first activate voicemail transcription in a few […]

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